In 2006 we built our dream house.  We built it with our growing family in mind…..plenty of bedrooms and bathrooms, a playroom, a school room, a pool, a pool house, and most importantly full of a lot of love!  You see, we were planning to retire here and have a place our children and grandchildren could come back to for years to come.  Again, we were building our dream home.

Well, the Lord was in the process of pouring the footings (or lack there of) for our new home!  It is a good thing the Lord did not invite me in on this building project because I would not have been an easy sub-contractor to deal with!  “Lord, are You sure this is enough square footage.  Lord, this thing has wheels.  Lord, the walls are like two inches thick.  Lord, really, where are we going to put everything?  Uh…You are joking right!?”  I mean, this is not what my family had in mind when we were thinking of a home to live in.  And we were definitely not thinking about living from church parking lot to church parking lot!  God, You cannot be serious!  Or, Could He?

Serious indeed!  Last week I flew to Buchanan, MI and picked up our ‘new ride’.  Wait a minute….I meant our ‘new home’.  Or is it a ‘ride’?  Oh yeh, it is both!  Come on Lord!  Seriously!  YEP!  So here we go on our new journey with our new ‘home/ride’ in tow.  We will be traveling from church parking lot to church parking lot preaching the revival message to families.  We are serving with Life Action Ministries.  It is amazing how our Lord has taken us from the desire to live in a large house for our ‘large family’ to living in a house on wheels.  We are in awe at His molding our hearts to follow Him for His glory.  Now hear me out!  We are not beginning this journey with naivety.  We are very aware that this journey will be tiring and difficult.  We know that we will face great trials.  We know that our family will be under attack.  It has already begun.  However, we are also learning that our God is bigger than all of this.  We are learning that this new journey is all about Him and we want to be right where he has us.  No where else!

So, “Ho Ho…Ho Ho, on the road we go!”  But, we will not go unless the Lord goes with us!  And He has promised us just that!  Family, hang on! Cuz the Lord has a ride (home?…whatever!) in store for us!

You can see our schedule on our ministry page!

Shane Black


Our family originally surrendered to full time ministry in October of 2010.  We were attending a Life Action Summit in our home town when the Lord revealed to us that He wanted our family to begin full time ministry serving with Life Action Ministries.  We felt like that within a few months we would be on the road to Michigan serving full time.  Well…..the Lord had something else, entirely, in mind.

A lot of time has gone by since that original moment of surrender.  We have been on a long and seemingly slow journey.  We have spent many days and nights wondering what was going on.  Our thoughts and concerns have been as follows…….”I mean come on, we surrendered ‘our all’ Lord.  Why haven’t You seen to it that everything falls into place on our time schedule?  You called us, right?  We have a vision of what everything should look like and when everything should take place!  Can’t You see it too, Lord?  What is the issue here Lord?”

Well, as the Lord took us on this ‘long and seemingly slow journey’ He had a lot that he desired to show us.  I would ask you to go back and re-read our thoughts and concerns again.  Do you see any problems?  Did you notice the pronouns?  We…..our………we……!  All of our concerns appear on the surface to be about the Lord’s involvement in this process.  However, below the surface you will see hearts that were only concerned about ourselves…..our surrender, our time schedule, our vision, our issues!

You see, we felt like we had it all figured out.  And we did in our feeble, finite little minds!  But, God wanted us, mostly me, to see a very important truth.  Are you ready?  Here it is!  Ministry is not for us…..ministry is for the glory of our Great, Wonder Working God!  God needed us to see that…. yes, He does have everything worked out….yes, He does know the time schedule (He made it for crying out loud)….yes, He does know what we surrendered and what we did not surrender….yes, He did call us….yes, He does have a vision…..and yes, He sees everything…..and most importantly it is not about us!  Rather it is about HIM and the advancement of HIS Kingdom.  Which means it is about you as well!  All of you!  Everyone reading this blog!  And everyone that will never read this blog!  God’s ministry in our lives is about you!

What an honor!  Our Lord has invited us to go on His journey with Him!  We have an opportunity to see our God do things that are far greater than anything we could ever imagine!  Things that we cannot explain away with our abilities and giftedness!  Things that will leave us saying, “But GOD!”  Things that will impact His Kingdom for eternity!  Do you get it guys?!  We get to be a part of something that is much, much, much bigger than our little family and our comfort and our wants and our conveniences!  We get to be a part of history making!  We get the opportunity to see God leave a blazing fire burning in our path for the HIS glory!

As I close, I would say one more thing…..”Look out across the horizon and watch for the ‘Fire of our Lord” burning brightly, and then come join Him.”  You see, He may want you to be a part of something that is all about Him!


Shane Black














Christmas is nearly upon us and we are almost, exactly to the date, three years from having the official call to Life Action Ministries. God moved on our hearts to surrender to full time ministry in November of 2010.  Now in November of 2013 we have been asked to go on the road with the Red Team beginning in January 2014.  Shane will be serving in the position of Family Revivalist.  Being a part of God transforming families is the heart beat of our family.  So we could not be more excited!  Hallelujah!  Hallelujah!

Our family is in awe of the things God has taught us over these last three years. We are excited to see what changes and growth He has in store for us through this new season of ministry!  We are humbled by your prayers and support and ask that you continue to pray for our family. Pray that we will seek to be continually under His authority, in His will, teachable and joyfully serving Him.  Pray that we will trust Him with the dynamics of road life and new relationships. We will continue to pray for all of you and miss you as well.

Please be sure to visit our website, often to see how God is moving on the hearts of His people. The website should have a schedule of the churches we will be ministering in and our family’s prayer concerns. Please include how we can be praying for you on the site or if it is too personal you can email, text or call us directly. We love you and love to pray for you.

We want to extend our deepest gratitude for those of you who that have been supporting us financially.  We would not be able to do this with out you.  Please continue to send your gifts the same way you have been doing.  Your gifts are a blessing to us and they speak volumes of your sacrifice and dedication to the glory of our Lord!!  Having you on our ministry team points us to the love and faithful provision of Christ!

As always, may we forever be in awe of His grace and striving to glorify Him in all we think and say and do.  You will be in our hearts and prayers as we go to share God’s message of restoration and love.  We pray that God will bless you for your faithfulness to His ministry.  We leave you with the message God has been plowing, cultivating and nurturing in our family….

If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.  Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.  For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.  Colossians 3:1-3


Wonderfully made, securely hidden, and

awaiting His Fire to fall,


Shane and Leigh Black and Family;

Shane: 334-791-1488; Leigh: 334-791-1487